I stopped knowing and started looking instead - RÝMDOpening on the 3rd of February 2024 at 16:00, but the exhibition will also be open on: Thursday 8th, Friday 9th. and Saturday 10th of...
Jólagestir Gallery Port Laugardaginn 2. desember, opnar jóla-samsýningin Jólagestir Gallery Port. Þetta eru áttundu jólin sem Gallery Port stendur fyrir...
Kollegar - Gallery PortGallery Port er loks orðið sjö ára og heldur þá loksins-loksins sína allra fyrstu afmælisveislu. Listsýningarnar í Gallery Port á þessum...
15 nautical milesThe exhibition “15 nautical miles” at Gróttuviti in Seltjarnarnes was developed based on process- oriented, site-specific, and...
Epiphytes - Botanical garden of Reykjavik 2023April 1st-11th The exhibition is a collaboration between MA students at the Iceland University of the Arts and MA students in curatorial...
Vetrahátið 2023As part of the Winter Light Festival in Reykjavik. Video, text and sound piece "Monologue with Reachable Depth" was shown, along with...
SPARKSPLUG series 2022"Everyone has to be slightly unhappy" group exhibition MA1 "Peeking Through the Keyhole" is an installation made of three series of...
Within a Stone's Throw - Sept. 2022Group show in Hjalteyri. "The quite outlandish thought crossed my mind that these things, the kindling, the jiffybags, the fruit...